Supplementary information 1 Korner-Nievergelt, Liechti, Thorup (2013): “A bird distribution model for ring recovery data: Where do the European robins go?” R and JAGS-code for fitting the distribution model to ring reencounter data The data his provided in the “datax”-object that is a list with the following elements: > str(datax) List of 8 $ recmatlong: num [1:24, 1:33] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... $ nreleased : num [1:24] 5 5 3885 99057 26831 ... $ npop : num 2 $ nrelocc : num 12 $ ndest : num 4 $ nrecocc : num 8 $ behgroup : num [1:12] 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 ... $ nbehgroup : num 9 The element “recmatlong” corresponds to Rij (see Table 2 in the manuscript), “nreleased” is a vector with the number of released birds in each set of bird, Nij (note that this vector cannot contain zeros, you can insert a small number, e.g. 3), “npop” is I, “nrelocc” is J, “ndest” is K, “nrecocc” is Q, “behgroup” is a vector that indicates the groups of birds released at different months that are assumed to behave similarly with respect to migration, and “nbehgroup” is the number of groups of birds that are assumed to behave similarly. Note, that the index “l” corresponds to the index “q” in the manuscript all other indices are used as in Table 2. # define directories bugsworkingdir <- getwd() # load libraries library(R2jags) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Model definition sink(file.path(bugsworkingdir, "distributionmodelrtime.txt")) cat(" model{ ### Likelihood for(i in 1:(npop*nrelocc)){ recmatlong[i,1:33]~ dmulti(probmatlong[i,1:33], nreleased[i]) ynewlong[i,1:33]~ dmulti(probmatlong[i,1:33], nreleased[i]) } # survival matrix A <- pow(s,11)*(1-s)/(1-pow(s,12)) for(j in 1:nrelocc){ # diagonal survivalmatcomp[j, j] <- A } # upper diagonal for(j in 1:(nrelocc-1)){ for(lc in (j+1):nrelocc){ survivalmatcomp[j, lc] <- pow(s,(lc-j-1))*(1-s) + pow(s,(lc-j))*A } } # lower diagonal for(j in 2:nrelocc){ for(lc in 1:(j-1)){ survivalmatcomp[j, lc] <- pow(s,(11-j+lc))*(1-s) + pow(s,(12-j+lc))*A } } # merge recovery seasons (winter and summer) for(j in 1:nrelocc){ survivalmat[j,1] <- survivalmatcomp[j,1] + survivalmatcomp[j,2] + survivalmatcomp[j,12] for(l in 2:4){ survivalmat[j,l] <- survivalmatcomp[j,l+1] } survivalmat[j,5] <- sum(survivalmatcomp[j,6:8]) for(l in 6:8){ survivalmat[j,l] <- survivalmatcomp[j,l+3] } } # constraint for distributions for(i in 1:npop){ for(j in 1:nrelocc){ # proportion of birds in A m0[i,j,1,1] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,1] # winter m0[i,j,1,2] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,2] # march m0[i,j,1,3] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,3] # april m0[i,j,1,4] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,4] # mai m0[i,j,1,5] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,5] # juni-aug m0[i,j,1,6] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,6] # sept m0[i,j,1,7] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,7] # oct m0[i,j,1,8] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],1,8] # nov for(l in 1:nrecocc){ m0[i,j,2,l] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],2,l] # proportion of birds in B } for(k in 3:ndest){ # in C and D m0[i,j,k,1] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,1] # winter m0[i,j,k,2] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,2] # march m0[i,j,k,3] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,3] # april m0[i,j,k,4] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,4] # mai m0[i,j,k,5] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,5] # juni-aug m0[i,j,k,6] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,6] # sept m0[i,j,k,7] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,7] # oct m0[i,j,k,8] <- m0a[i,behgroup[j],k,8] # nov } #k } #j } #i # proportions are equal for those birds ringed during the winter and summer months for(i in 1:npop){ for(j in 1:nbehgroup){ # proportion of birds in A m0a[i,j,1,1] ~ dunif(0,0.01) # winter m0a[i,j,1,2] ~ dunif(0,0.01) # march m0a[i,j,1,3] ~ dunif(0,1) # april m0a[i,j,1,4] ~ dunif(0,1) # mai m0a[i,j,1,5] ~ dunif(0,1) # juni-aug m0a[i,j,1,6] ~ dunif(0,1) # sept m0a[i,j,1,7] ~ dunif(0,1) # oct m0a[i,j,1,8] ~ dunif(0,0.01) # nov # proportions of birds in B m0a[i,j,2,1] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,2] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,3] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,4] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,5] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,6] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,7] ~ dunif(0,1) m0a[i,j,2,8] ~ dunif(0,1) # proportions of birds in C m0a[i,j,3,1] ~ dunif(0,1) # winter m0a[i,j,3,2] ~ dunif(0,1) # march m0a[i,j,3,3] ~ dunif(0,1) # april m0a[i,j,3,4] ~ dunif(0,1) # mai m0a[i,j,3,5] ~ dunif(0, 0.01) # juni-aug m0a[i,j,3,6] ~ dunif(0,1) # sept m0a[i,j,3,7] ~ dunif(0,1) # oct m0a[i,j,3,8] ~ dunif(0,1) # nov # proportions of birds in D m0a[i,j,4,1] ~ dunif(0,1) # winter m0a[i,j,4,2] ~ dunif(0,1) # march m0a[i,j,4,3] ~ dunif(0,1) # april m0a[i,j,4,4] ~ dunif(0,1) # mai m0a[i,j,4,5] ~ dunif(0, 0.01) # juni-aug m0a[i,j,4,6] ~ dunif(0,1) # sept m0a[i,j,4,7] ~ dunif(0,1) # oct m0a[i,j,4,8] ~ dunif(0,1) # nov } #j } #i # sum of m over destination areas = 1 for(i in 1:npop){ for(j in 1:nrelocc){ for(l in 1:nrecocc){ summ[i,j,l] <- sum(m0[i,j,1:ndest,l]) for(k in 1:ndest){ m[i,j,k,l] <- m0[i,j,k,l]/summ[i,j,l] } } } } # fill up probability matrix for(i in 1:npop){ for(j in 1:nrelocc){ for(k in 1:ndest){ for(l in 1:nrecocc){ probmat[i,j,k,l] <- survivalmat[j,l] * r[k,l] * m[i,j,k,l] } } } } # rearrange probabilities into long format for(i in 1:npop){ for(j in 1:nrelocc){ for(k in 1:ndest){ probmatlong[(i-1)*nrelocc+j, ((k-1)*nrecocc+1):(k*nrecocc)] <- probmat[i,j,k,1:nrecocc] } probmatlong[(i-1)*nrelocc+j, nrecocc*ndest+1] <- 1-sum(probmatlong[(i-1)*nrelocc+j, 1:(nrecocc*ndest)]) } } ### priors s ~ dunif(0,1) for(k in 1:ndest){ for(l in 1:nrecocc){ r[k,l] ~ dbeta(ra[k],rb[k]) } ra[k]~dgamma(0.01, 0.01) rb[k]~dgamma(0.01, 0.01) } } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Define parameters to be monitored parameters <- c("m","s","r", "ynewlong") # MCMC settings niter <- 20000 nthin <- 2 nburn <- 5000 nchains <- 2 initfun <- function(){ ncells <- datax$npop*8*datax$ndest*datax$nrecocc m0a <- array(runif(ncells, 0,1), dim=c(datax$npop, datax$nbehgroup, datax$ndest, datax$nrecocc)) for(i in 1:datax$npop){ for(j in 1:datax$nbehgroup){ # proportion of birds in A m0a[i,j,1,1] <- runif(1,0,0.01) # winter m0a[i,j,1,2] <- runif(1, 0,0.01) # march m0a[i,j,1,6] <- runif(1, 0, 1) # sept m0a[i,j,1,7] <- runif(1, 0, 1) # oct m0a[i,j,1,8] <- runif(1, 0, 0.01) # nov for(k in 3:datax$ndest){ # in C and D m0a[i,j,k,5] <- runif(1, 0, 0.01) # juni-aug } } } list(r=matrix(runif(datax$ndest*datax$nrecocc, 0.001, 0.01), ncol=datax$nrecocc, nrow=datax$ndest), ra=runif(datax$ndest, 0.2, 2), rb=runif(datax$ndest, 5,10), s=runif(1, 0.5,1), m0a=m0a) } # run jags mod <- jags(datax, inits=initfun, parameters, "distributionmodelrtime.txt", n.chains = nchains, n.thin = nthin, n.iter = niter, n.burnin = nburn,