Supplementary file S1: WinBUGS-Code for the one-level and three-level observation models #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # one-level observation model #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data nsites number of sites (turbines), number Ti number of days (nights) sampled per site, vector of length nsites act acoustic activity measures (log-transformed and standardized), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) wind wind speed data (standardsized), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) y number of carcasses found, matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) a Parameter alpha of Beta distribution describing the information on the carcass detection probability, vector of length nsites b Parameter alpha of Beta distribution describing the information on the carcass detection probability, vector of length nsites # parameters N number of freshly killed animals per day (night) and site (turbine), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) lambda expected number of freshly killed animals per day (night) and site (turbine), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) alpha0 model coefficient, number alpha1 model coefficient, number alpha2 model coefficient, number alpha3 model coefficient, number # derived parameters sumN total number of collisions per site (turbine), vector of length nsites #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WinBUGS code model{ # likelihood for (i in 1:nsites){ for(t in 1:Ti[i]){ N[i,t] ~ dpois(lambda[i,t]) lambda[i,t]<-exp(alpha0+alpha1*act[i,t]+ alpha2*wind[i,t] + alpha3*pow(wind[i,t],2)) y[i,t]~dbin(p[i], N[i,t]) } } # priors for(i in 1:nsites){ p[i]~dbeta(a[i],b[i]) # informative prior for detection probability } alpha0~dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha1~dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha2~dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha3~dnorm(0, 0.01) # derived parameters for(i in 1:nsites){ sumN[i]<-sum(N[i, 1:Ti[i]]) # total number of collisions per turbine } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # three-level observation model #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data nsites number of sites (turbines), number Ti number of days (nights) sampled per site, vector of length nsites act acoustic activity measures (log-transformed and standardized), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) wind wind speed data (standardsized), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) y number of carcasses found, matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) f.a Parameter alpha of Beta distribution describing the information on the searcher efficiency, vector of length nsites f.b Parameter alpha of Beta distribution describing the information on the searcher efficiency vector of length nsites s.a Parameter alpha of Beta distribution describing the information on the persistence probability, vector of length nsites s.b Parameter alpha of Beta distribution describing the information on the persistence probability, vector of length nsites a proportion of carcasses lying in the searched area, vector of length nsites # parameters N number of freshly killed animals per day (night) and site (turbine), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) lambda expected number of freshly killed animals per day (night) and site (turbine), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) alpha0 model coefficient, number alpha1 model coefficient, number alpha2 model coefficient, number alpha3 model coefficient, number Nfar number of carcasses falling in the searched area, matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) Narea number of carcasses being in the searched area (temporary auxiliary variable), matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) Nrem number of carcasses that have been killed during earlier searches and that remain on the searched area because they have not been removed by scavengers or searchers, matrix of dimension nsites x max(Ti) # derived parameters sumN total number of collisions per site (turbine), vector of length nsites #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WinBUGS code model{ # likelihood for (i in 1:nsites){ N[i,1] ~ dpois(lambda[i,1]) # first night Nfar[i,1]~dbin(a[i], N[i,1]) # number of carcasses falling in searched area Narea[i,1] <- Nfar[i,1] # number of carcasses being in searched area Nrem[i,1]~dbin(s[i], Narea[i,1]) # number of carcasses remaining in searched area y[i,1]~dbin(f[i], Nrem[i,1]) for(t in 2:Ti[i]){ N[i,t] ~ dpois(lambda[i,t]) Nfar[i,t]~dbin(a[i], N[i,t]) # number of carcasses falling in searched area Narea[i,t] <- Nfar[i,t] + Nrem[i,t-1]-y[i,t-1] # number of carcasses being in searched area Nrem[i,t]~dbin(s[i], Narea[i,t]) # number of carcasses remaining in searched area y[i,t]~dbin(f[i], Nrem[i,t]) } } for(i in 1:nsites){ for(t in 1:Ti[i]){ lambda[i,t]<-exp(alpha0+alpha1*act[i,t]+ alpha2*wind[i,t] + alpha3*pow(wind[i,t],2)) } } # priors for(i in 1:nsites){ f[i]~dbeta(f.a[i],f.b[i]) # informative prior for searcher efficiency s[i]~dbeta(s.a[i], s.b[i]) # informative prior for persistence probability } alpha0~dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha1~dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha2~dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha3~dnorm(0, 0.01) # derived parameters for(i in 1:nsites){ sumN[i]<-sum(N[i,1:Ti[i]]) # total number of collisions per turbine } }